Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Sports Fan

Having a Bud at a pub,
I see ten high-definition TV’s blasting above.
The tavern is filled with sports fans,
here and there, anticipating the big game!

Star player intros highlight the view,

Opinions within the tavern pass from ear to ear.
Sports trivia is shared with every fan.
bombard sports nuts for their review.

A great play brings an uproar! 
A hilarious fanatic screams in my ear.
Patrons fabricate their players’ past performances,
predict the outcome of the game.

An affectionate male pinches a maiden’s butt. 

Their hearts go—pitter-patter.
A smiling and laughing lady recants,
"Oh baby, do it again! Buy me, another beer!"

Copyright 2008 - Gordon DeClercq